Product range

aryan boilers is a well-known manufacturer and supplier with extensive professional experience in catering to the Sugar, Chemical, Process, and Cement & Minerals industries.

ab specializes in the design and production of industrial steam boilers, captive power plants, turnkey sugar plants, material handling equipment, ethanol distilleries, and various other industrial equipment.

Grate Fired Boilers

  • Boiler capacities up to  250,000 kg/hr,  130 bar and 540 degC

  • Single Drum/Bi-Drum

  • Travelling Grate / Dumping/ Oscillating / Pinhole Grates

  • Fuels: Coal, Bagasse, Rice husk & other biomass

High performance Boilers .

FBC Boilers

  • Boiler capacities up to  130,000 kg/hr,  130 bar and 540 degC

  • Single Drum/Bi-Drum

  • Fuels: Coal, Peat, Dolo char,Lignite, Bagasse, Rice husk and others

Multi-fuel high efficiency Boilers

Slop fired Boilers

  • Boiler capacities up to  50,000 kg/hr

  • Supporting fuels: Bagasse, Coal

  • Two-pass furnace, Horizontal Construction

Unleash the Power of Boilers

turnkey sugar plants

Turnkey Sugar Plants

Complete Sugar Plants up to a capacity of  7500 TCD.

Modern Sugar Plants

Sugar cane mills

Sugar Cane Mills

Cane Mills  suitable for 500 TCD to 10,000 TCD  Sugar Plants

State-of-the-art technologies


Ethanol Distilleries

Sugar Cane as well as grain based Distilleries up to 150 KLPD

Distilleries with latest technologies

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

its’ not about business,
it’s about ‘YOU’!

Quisque cursus metus vitae pharetra auctor dui masa matis interdum magna augue sud egt diam vestibulum sem ipsum proin ligula. sem viverra feugiat. Ut mauris tortor rutrum vitae venenatis.

  • Focus Implementation: Arcu egety ipsum
  • Strategy Management: Class aptent tac socioa
  • Content Architecture: Per nostra inceptos himen turpis
Supported Businesses
Funds Granted Through Govt. Aid
Turnkey Projects

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

the approach we follow

Euisque cursus metus vitae sedpharetra auctor semy mas interdum magla
fusce nec litora diam vestibulum andyus eget ipsum faucibus

generating creative ideas

Luisque cursus metus vitae sed pharetra auctor semy mas interdum venenatis tristique egets diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum faucibus luctus ultrice posuere libero eget ante cubilia.

project workflow & executation

Luisque cursus metus vitae sed pharetra auctor semy mas interdum venenatis tristique egets diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum faucibus luctus ultrice posuere libero eget ante cubilia.

project delivery & support

Luisque cursus metus vitae sed pharetra auctor semy mas interdum venenatis tristique egets diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum faucibus luctus ultrice posuere libero eget ante cubilia.

Speak To Our Experts +1 (800) 555 555 or Request A Quote

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Simple Pricing for Business

Euisque cursus metus vitae sedpharetra auctor semy mas interdum
magna augue get diam vestibulum anipsum faucibus

basic plan

$29 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

advance plan

$39 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

premium plan

$49 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

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